Biome Boutique

Regenerative Labs & Exhibits

Trillions of microbes are living in the human body and help us carry out our most basic functions. These microbes formed their symbiotic relationship with us in balance with natural systems. We hope that the Biome Boutique will educate and improve people’s biome and understanding. 

To achieve this, we aspire to teach people the benefits of realignment with nature to nourish ourselves and our individual biomes. In connection with other offerings at REAP, such as the Fermentation Station to make kombucha, we can create an exhibit that compiles best practices for healthy living.

Through the Biome Boutique, we hope to contextualize the relationship between our bodies and soil. At REAP, we believe in the importance of realigning human and natural systems. We know that eating healthy food not only leads to a healthy body, but a healthy mind

Where we are now 

Our Biome Boutique is currently in the early development stage. We welcome sharing our vision and ideas with you as a community member, contributor, or possible partner. To learn more about how to contribute, check out our Get Involved tab and our Partners page.