Permaculture Community Garden

Urban Farming

Cultivating abundance through nature's harmony and regenerative principles.

Through the construction of a permaculture garden we will not only help the climate but provide food and medicinal plants to our community. This garden will also provide training to individuals seeking a career in sustainable gardening or looking to build a permaculture garden of their own. The methods used for the development of this park are not limited to REAP and will be scalable for other communities and projects.

Permaculture gardening involves whole-system thinking in agriculture. The interactions between elements of a garden exist in the natural world where best practices have been established by mother nature. Through observation and experimentation humans have learned how to best establish gardens that are more sustainable and model nature based systems.

Our permaculture garden will be built on observed arrangements in nature to create a low-maintenance and productive ecosystem. Each plant in the garden will play a specific purpose (food, medicine, attracting beneficial insects, deterring pests, rejuvenating soil, and beauty), and land into mutually beneficial relationships with each other.

Where We Are Now

With the help of volunteers and community members, we are preparing for the development of planting our permaculture garden. These efforts will blossom into a beautiful space that enters our North Campus. We are seeking a partner organization to collaborate and learn with. If you are a Permaculture organization, please reach out through our partner page.